- Adults Questioning Their Sexuality/Gender Identity
- Ally Training and Education
- Professional Development/Scholarships/Higher Education
- Trans and Gender-Non-Conforming
- Youth Services
Stevenson Hall
320 Grant Ave
Charleston, Illinois 61920
Coles County, IL
"The EIU Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity aspires to create an inclusive community by instilling a culture of respect, advocacy, and empowerment towards an open, safe, welcoming and just campus. We provide services such as the Trans*formation Station, a large library full of books and movies, year round programming, and a comprehensive Safe Zone Training program."
- Housing/Homelessness
- Professional Development/Scholarships/Higher Education
- Sexual Trauma/Violence/Rape
- Trans and Gender-Non-Conforming
- Youth Services
PFLAG Charleston
PO Box 551
Charleston, Illinois 61920
Coles County, IL
"We exist to provide support, education and advocacy for parents, families, and friends of the LGBT+ community." "PFLAG Charleston maintains an emergency fund to provide assistance to LGBTQA people who face short-term crises and are in need of emergency funds. These funds may be used for urgent needs such as payments on rent, phone, utilities, transportation, school-related expenses, etc. Those in need may apply by contacting PFLAG at
825 18th Street
Charleston IL, Illinois 61920
Coles County, IL
HIV and STD (Syphilis/RPR, Chlamydia/Gonorrhea, Hep C) testing and free condoms; website reads "We serve male and female clients in a confidential, non-judgmental, professional and comfortable setting."
- Housing/Homelessness
- Other (Community and Support)
- Sexual Trauma/Violence/Rape
- Trans and Gender-Non-Conforming
- Youth Services
1927 18th Street
Charleston IL, Illinois 61920
Coles County, IL
"The mission of HOPE is to empower persons to live independent, non-violent lives through the provisions of Housing, Outreach, Prevention, and Education." Includes webpage specifically about Abuse & Gender and Sexually Diverse Youth, which breaks down myths and facts about abuse of LGBTQ individuals.